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  • Flat line

    By shaylovethealphas
    I wanted so much to love this book. It was a drag out of Mia overthinking everything down to taking a piss. How she never figured out on her own who fallen was is beyond me. Adam should have moved on after the trip. And I hate having to buy book after book yo get a story completely so I will not be going any further with his series.
  • I can't give a 5 start review to an unfinished book

    By Avid Reader QC
    It seems to be a thing in some romance novels lately, to stop the book after x number of pages and ask the reader to buy another book (or two) before the story reaches the expected "happily ever after" or "happy for now" ending. I'm not going to give a 4 or 5 star review to a "romance" novel that ends with our key couple having been torn apart and shattered by events or actions. That's not a romance, that's a horror story. In this case, I'm not going to continue with the series or read future books by the author. I can't trust them to deliver a romance ending.
  • Wow this was simply amazing

    By Mary11121314151617181920
    Wow wow wow. I don't write reviews on books at all this is like the second time I have ever done this. Which proves how amazing it was and that you need to read these ASAP. I was totally hooked since day one when I started to read the first book, I finished that one in one day and immediately started the next one and finished it in a day and a half. Such an amazing read, can't put the book down. It's like 50 shades for Grey just a R rated version. There a like but not. It's amazing. I recommend it for anyone who loved the 50 shades trilogy to read this series... Holy crap I did not expect it to end the way it did.. I don't love the way it ended but I don't hate it. My favorite quote at the end was “This life. Unpredictable. More puzzling than any game could simulate. One minute you’re at your highest high, only to be sent screaming to your lowest depths. At any turn, it shifts, it changes. And what once was normal is now forever lost in the past” said by Adam. It's so powerful. It makes you think and it has been making me think. I know he is using to talk about Mia's cancer but it it still will work for just about anything in life and it's a good quote in general.... Thank you for writing this series I absolutely love them, they need to make a movie!!! And I'll me reading these more than once sense they weren't free.
  • Page Turner!!

    By KayLa091991
    I'm always looking for a good read, so when I select a book I always check the reviews. After reading a couple I decided to give this book a shot. After reading the sample, I was hooked. I love Brenna's style! Her transitions throughout the text was impeccable. I honestly could not put the book down, I actually stayed up all night to finish it...yes I was that hooked!
  • Not as good as book 1

    By isalaur
    This book isn't nearly as good as the first one. It's written from Adam's perspective as opposed to Mia's. That wouldn't be as big a deal but combined with how unbelievably annoying Mia is in this book it hurts the overall story. Mia is ridiculous and the actions she takes are so unrealistic. I just wanted to scream at her to grow up. Ditto her friend Heath....just stupid.
  • Sniveling

    By Strong female please
    This was awful. I was waiting for Emilia to put her big girl panties on the ENTIRE book... Or for Adam to realize he was in love with a coward and move on. Painful and very disappointing the lead was so weak.
  • At Any Turn

    By 8Zilly
    Painful! So sad regarding all the problems. Understandable mess & confusion on not knowing what to do.
  • At Any Turn

    By Loriaesmon00
    Wow!!! Great read!!!! Could not put it down!!!! Saddened halfway through because I knew it would soon be over. Highly recommended!!!!