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  • Oh my goodness it WORKED

    By tayl22392
    About a week ago during the 4 month sleep regression, i was the Mom who said NOPE, not my baby, to every single method i was night and day stressing HARDCORE over. And yes, i was trying them and ended the beginning of a long night in TEARS feeling awful. Then the regression ended and things got perfect again... NOT. My almost 5 month old was refusing to sleep and to accomplish any at all it took 3 hours worth of rocking, nursing, put down, cries again, repeat. It was awful... The sleep wave worked wonders for us in just two nights. I felt confident checking on my LO every 5 minutes, reassuring her I was there but without picking her up... because guess what? Picking her up was NOT working! I was anti sleep train and this book taught me it’s not even “training” but is simply helping my baby do what she can already do. I feel like a better parent in 48 hours and HOPE this continues as bedtime has been amazing and it really only took one night to see the difference! I will add I haven’t worked for naps yet but that’s my next step! Thank you thank you!