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  • Finally!!!

    By EJJones46
    Thank you Joel Osteen for writing this awesome book! It has taken me four years to finally finish reading because I would put it down, read other books or just not read at all. Reading your books became my passion when I went through a divorce that shattered me for some time. But, with the help of God and your book I finally am at peace and know how God wants me to truly live! Today, four years latter is a great day for me! I finished your book, I know how I should live, how God wants me to live and most of ALL that with one touch from God He can change my life for the better! Thank you Joel for showing how to face each day of my life, rather good or bad. I won’t live defeated any more but face each day with a NEW BEGINNING! I will tell my heart to beat again, Dream again, laugh again, believe again, love again, forgive again, and most of all SMILE again! My God continue to bless you, Victoria and your entire family. EJ
  • A Man of God

    By LKJH/&9
    Once a long time ago I was listlessly flipping through channels on the TV when I came across a Joel Osteen sermon. I didn't give TV preachers a second thought in those days, but something caused me to stop (The Holy Spirit within me) and listen to his words. They struck a cord in me. Over the course of time I watched a couple more of his sermons whenever I found them. And one day I saw Joel's beaming, smiling face on the cover of a book at the store - "Your Best Life Now". I scanned a few of the pages and knew I needed to read this book. I devoured it, then I read it to my wife and we both agreed this was the message we needed to hear about our God and about the life He has given us. Since then we have read every book Joel has published and because of the understanding Joel helped us to have about God, our lives have been greatly blessed and we are learning to be greater blessings to others. Joel Osteen is a good man, a Man after God's own Heart, a Man of God; and the message God has given him is a message we all need to hear.
  • Amazing book!

    By Lenylemon
    Changed my outlook on a lot of things. I felt so refreshed.
  • Phenomenal Read

    By urbangypsy23
    It's well worth it for anyone seeking positive reinforcement with scriptural and real life examples on how they can improve their life and circumstances.
  • Wonderful book

    By Jayant281
    Joel's book is wonderful and motivational. Written in simple language of the heart it gives so much joy.
  • Great Book

    By bxbarbie
    I love this book. I have read another book by Mr. Osteen and I find him to be very motivational and inspiring. It's like he speaks directly to your soul. His books will help anyone needing a boost in the confidence department. If your going through any type of struggles in life , please take the time to read his books, trust me they will help you regain an amazing zest for life again! Praise God🙏🏽
  • James McMorris II

    By A Certain Man4110
    PRAISE THE LOVE OF our Lives JESUS CHRIST!!!!! "Wonderfully-Inspiring"!!!!! God bless you continuously or like the elders used to say "Real Good", and please keep the books coming. Thank you for your Saturday night live services and Wednesday night Holy Bible study. I thoroughly enjoy them. I normally watch Saturday night's before I retire for Church on Sunday, but I thank God I can watch services I've missed directly from your website. May the Blood of Jesus continue to Bless and Protect You and your family, and the entire Lakewood 'Body of Christ'. I love you and your family with the Love of Christ. God bless.
  • Awesome!

    By Cliff Yates
    As always, so inspirational! And a training manual for the spiritual mind. How walk in this world with unwavering positivity, hand in hand with god. Keep em coming Joel!
  • You Can, You Will!

    By S_K_E
    Joel Osteen has done it again! His words of encouragement, insight, and his positivity are very uplifting! Everyone needs this book! This book has inspired me to think differently and has changed my perspective on things that happens in life. It has also given me more inspiration to follow my dreams. You Can, You Will!