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  • Best Political Book Ever

    By Geocom22
    It would be truly silly to "review" this book because it is already widely accepted as the best chronicle of a presidential campaign ever written. Nothing before or since has captured life on the road with a presidential campaign like this book. With its first ever electronic release, I would be surprised if every iPad on the Romney and Obama press planes is not aglow with this drug fueled journey to the heart of the American dream. For political junkies of all stripes, this book is required reading. Life on the presidential campaign bus is strange enough as it is; but life on the trail can only be truly appreciated when viewed through the weird chemically tinted lens of Dr. Thompson. If you have never read this book, buy it now. If you have read this book, read it again. After all, if you have not read this book, you have no basis to voice a political opinion in this country.