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  • Hardly all his works...

    By Origins Media
    Looks to be his complete works from Project Gutenberg. Purporting it's all his works is downright laughable, as some are still in copyright, and others are in the public domain, but not listed on Gutenberg, therefore you will not find them here. Using "complete" is misleading...for those who care. And to Kyle, satisfaction relies on getting what the title claims. If I bought this title to read "Letters from Earth" and it's not in there, then yes, the title is falsely claiming to maintain something in which it cannot produce. Someone, like yourself might be satisfied with being duped and justify it with a claim on the cheap cost. If you want to contribute to ignorant consumerism then sobeit, but I would not buy a car that claims to have air conditioning that after purchasing does not. Yes, it makes complete sense. Publishers need to be held accountable for misleading titles that are designed to line their pockets with your change. Especially Public Domain literature.
  • What?

    By kengel214
    Some people can never be pleased, as you can see. This will be the best purchase you've ever made with the change in your pocket.