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  • Simply Amazing

    By alexrryan
    If you’re a microbiologist and fascinated by infectious diseases like I am, you’ll love this. This book details the importance of vaccines and the tremendous eradication efforts involved to maintain smallpox. I knew smallpox was serious threat, but never knew to what extent. This book was excellent, very informative and educational. Highly recommend!
  • A good read!

    By GracefulRose
    This book was an interesting, easy read that gives a thorough insight into the recent history of molecular virology of smallpox and anthrax and the scary potentials it could imply for the future of bioweaponry.
  • Variola was scary indeed....

    By Elevaric
    After reading "The Hot Zone" I wanted to read more by Richard Preston. Smallpox was not a disease I was familiar with and after reading about it through the novel, feel that D.A Henderson should have gotten the Nobel Prize for the eradication of that terrible disease. Great novel and will be reading more!
  • Excellent

    By RevSchumacher
    A wonderfully written book about the terrors of variola major and what might happen should it fall into the wrong hands. Highly recommended to anyone with an interest in history and bioterror.