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  • Simply the best

    By jennie104
    This book is pure gold the whole way through, but the last 5 pages had me smiling and crying at the same time! Roarke and Dallas are simply the best!!!
  • How does she do it?!

    By LTQT
    How does she do it? Roarke, Dallas, Peabody, MacNab, Feeney - the characters pepper her novels so that you care about them as individuals while you enjoy the ride she provides in yet another finely crafted novel. In this one, we know the sitch, and yet...they close in on the killer...oops, he escapes...they close in again...he escapes again...and with each page, I am hoping it doesn't end. Thank you JD. You are a master storyteller.
  • Betrayal in death

    By Spongebob3105531055
    Another great book. Love this series can't wait to read the next one.
  • Fun read!

    By CitizenScreen
    Anothwr great entry to the In Death series. love the characters...by now my friends. keep 'em coming, Nora!