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  • The Black Hole War

    By pickled4589
    A brilliant discussion of the very complicated subject of entropy, energy, gravity, quantuum mechanics and the modern mathematics being developed and applied to address theoretical quantuum gravitiy and the search for a unifiing theory for all of physics. The book traces the fascinating story of thoretical physicists' attempts to understand black holes at a level that demystifies the process that has been imbedded in a very deep mathematical discussion and lost to the public for over twenty years. A must read for anyone with a curious scientific background who want to learn how physics and mathematics has evolved over the last half century.
  • Great For Enthusiasts

    By spencerdiniz
    A great book in the sense that it helps us visualize the strange concepts of the complicated physics that it talks about through the use of some clever analogies... If you enjoyed books such as "The Universe In a Nutshell", you're certainly going to like this. It makes us simple humans feel capable of questioning some very advanced physics. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
  • A must read if you like physics

    By highvoltagehotrods
    The author clearly explains a lot of fundamentals of quantum physics and relativity. Very interesting read and look into the academic world of some of the worlds most notable minds.