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  • Know My Name

    By Debbie-bird
    Why does every writer today have to inject politics into her story? Stick to the topic. Readers are not interested in your party affiliations. Publishers are only interested in progressive party writers, and I’m really disgusted by this blatant bias.
  • Hard to read

    By puglover2121
    What a courageous woman. I commend her for telling her story in such a vulnerable way. Like others have stated, the grammar/writing style is not great, making it a hard read. I had to force myself to finish it at times when the writing was so poor. The story is ultimately what made me push through and finish the book.
  • harrowing and powerful

    By KrabbyPattyFormula
    i come back to the victim statement at least once a year. it has changed the way i see myself and the world. this book even more so.
  • Know My Name

    By PaulaDella
    Don’t be impressed that Joe Biden acknowledged the crime. His son has been accused of the same criminal behavior.
  • An important book

    By Melissa Fergusson
    Chanel is a powerful writer with a powerful story. I think she articulates with poise and clarity what is wrong with the way sexual assault cases are treated in the criminal justice system and in universities as well. Her story is compelling, funny, and motivating for others to fight for better treatment for victims and survivors of sexual assault. I also really appreciate her perspective as a person of color and as a Chinese American. Highly recommend this memoir and think everyone should read it.
  • Powerful

    By esherry6
    I would love to see this book listed as required reading in all high schools as well as all colleges. Chanel tells an extremely important story in excruciating detail that everyone needs to hear. She shines a bright light, a beacon in fact, on why so many women don’t come forward after being sexually assaulted or why they wait, sometimes for years, before telling their story. Her courage, tenacity and strength to keep going during a grueling trial and a completely inappropriate sentence for her attacker makes a clear and shattering statement about privilege and power and how our system of justice not only makes it extremely painful for women to come forward but also how women are persecuted and blamed for being assaulted by men who see them as objects. Please read this book, then ask your family and friends to read it and ask them to ask their family and friends to read it. Keep reading to the very end, including Chanel’s acknowledgements, because the statement she wrote that brought her case international recognition is printed in full after them. It’s a stunningly written encapsulation of her experience
  • A must read

    By weekszmac
    I have no words after reading. This is so well written. I almost felt like I experienced this myself. So proud of Chanel for telling her story. A must read for all!
  • A journey

    By rchandra2023
    Chanel- This book is indeed a lighthouse and beacon, as are you. As Muriel Rukeyser said “One woman’s Tory would split open the world. We are living in the split, the wound, the opening created by the trauma of sexual and cultural violence and bias. Thank you for what you’ve done here and for being yourself. This book is required reading for a more compassionate future.
  • Journey

    By FantasticBumpster
    I enjoyed reading her story; learning how our justice system needs a revamp;sadden to read about Stanford due to my affiliation. Know My Name- we now know! Thank you for speaking up & being strong for others.
  • Page turner

    By KWN614
    Literally could not put it down. Amazing.