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    By enj0yl!f3
    Book four of this 6-book series has continued to hold my interest. Mull continues to boil with discontent and the Deerhorns continue to stir the pot. Many of the King’s servants have decided to journey to the different states in Fist in search of others who may have known them in the past or for any record of anyone gone missing at about the time of their arrival at the palace. As with the past books there are unexpected twists in the plot to keep you guessing. There are also the subplots that are left hanging that I hope will be resolved by the final book. All in all I’ve liked this series and am happy it has continued to keep me interested. Now onto book 5!
  • The Tale Expands Beyond Mull

    By King Mel
    In my opinion, the storyline picks back up a bit in the fourth book in this series. Travel introduces new locations, new characters, and new challenges to a tale that grew a little stale in the confines of Mull and the castle. There is a plot twist which came across as a bit contrived (and highly avoidable) to me. But the main characters are out on the road seeking their pasts in an effort to anchor their futures, and traveling tales can be quite entertaining. I am encouraged to continue to Book 5.