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  • City of Death

    By 7thave
    Amazing read. God bless those willing to go into danger to safe others.
  • Amazing tale of courage

    By BirdoWorky
    I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for the true story about the war against ISIS. The advance into Mosul was nothing short of amazing, and it is a story worth reading and understanding. The US inept pullout of Afghanistan greatly diminished the good achieved here, but this is still a very remarkable accomplishment. Great book.
  • A Book of Hero’s

    By KRIDUR227
    Wow! What an incredible book of many many true hero’s! I held back many tears throughout this book. I felt like I was there. Obviously I wasn’t, so I thank Ephraim, David and every other good souls that fought for the right reasons! Thank you for spreading kindness and love where it is needed most! You are all my hero’s.