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  • Still Awesome

    By ImmortalD07
    Awesome book. No mistakes. Love it!
  • ...Still Awesome

    By Twerp138
    This was my first ever web novel. Awesome story, no doubt! This lite novel version has a lot more story to it, so it’s got way more depth and detail. I’m really irked about what the translator decided on for a fair amount of the skills and names. The new names and skill names just aren’t anywhere near as comfortable in the mouth (names), or apt, word specific and appropriate (skill names) as they were in the web novel. Because of this, I often subconsciously end up reading while using the old version names when it reads smoothly and seamless. But, when it doesn’t, I’m with furrowed brows and white knuckles, only for a split second. Even with this major faux pas, this story........ ...STILL AWESOME!!!