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  • Safehold Series by David Weber

    By Jadabr
    I am 66 years old. I have been an avid reader since the age of 10. This is one of the best stories I have ever read. I thought Lindsey Buroker was good. But Mr. Weber is the best I have ever enjoyed. Thank You Mr. Weber. Dave
  • At the Sign of Triumph

    By EricVMI89
    Another book based on a great premise, with some great action scenes, but way too many meetings. There are some good action scenes, but 10 to 1 outnumbered by meetings. The good guys have access to essentially futuristic technology, and use that primarily for what? Meeting by advanced conference calls. The main character is basically brought back from the dead, from a period of very advanced technology, and uses that technology for what? To miraculously fly around the world to attend meetings. If Elvis came back from the dead to review this book, my guess is he would say, "A little less conversation, a little more action."
  • Outstanding!!

    By Djclobes
    Mr Weber gives small meaningful details of individual behavior and speech during war time that makes you feel you are listening in on soldiers conversations. He then quickly expands the view of the reader to reveal major military events. This back and forth personalizes the battlefields giving real emotion to the real terror and struggle of war. Mr. Weber puts on display the true horrors of religion and war with the true glory of religion and war. Oh yes, the story is also great!