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  • Footnotes

    By Faithful Florida Fan
    LOVED IT! The only reason for four stars is that in the on line version there are no footnotes. I read the first chapter in a hardback copy and the footnotes are heeeelarious! As is the rest of the book. Another winner, Dave. Thanks
  • Best State Ever

    By Fred Sanford, Haverford 62'
    Another wonderful Dave Barry "entertainment."
  • So.Funny! Does not disappoint!

    By Longtime DB fan
    I've been reading Dave Barry columns for about 20 years now. He is just an amazingly funny guy and a fantastic humor writer. This book made me laugh so hard when reading in bed that I ended up reading several parts aloud to my husband, so that he would stop giving me the stink eye. He always cracked up too. Definitely a good book to make you laugh when you need it!
  • Laugh out loud funny

    By Justaskbernice
    Being a native Floridian who ran as far away from home as I could as fast as I could I have to say that Dave nailed it. This book is everything you may or may not want to know about "America's Outback". God I miss it. No, not really. But I digress. This book is gut busting hilarious whether you lived or vacationed in Florida or even if you've never been there or even know exactly where it is. One question-Dave are you and Carl the same person or did he peek at your notes? You both came out with a book on the same day and both books include the same zany characters... Take it from me, Bernice, skip "Razor Girl" and go straight to "Best State Ever". You won't regret it.